
Libraries are key partners to reach hard-to-count populations and help achieve a complete count in the 2020 Census. Across California, libraries are leveraging their resources, such as free access internet and technology to provide questionnaire assistance, conducting Census education in multiple languages, or leading digital literacy courses and training on how to fill out the Census questionnaire. Libraries are also essential partners in rural regions of California where broadband access is limited and are trusted partners in reaching populations who often frequent libraries including families with small children and people experiencing homelessness among other hard-to-count populations.

California State Library Letter: Census 2020 Planning

The California State Library Letter includes information about 2020 Census Planning and information about state support for county outreach and upcoming deadlines.

The Census and Sensibility Toolkit

The Census and Sensibility Toolkit is created by California librarians for California librarians. It is designed to help libraries and library staff easily access the Census and boost engagement with their community.

Libraries Newsroom

LA Times
2020 Census and What Libraries are Doing to Help
By: Zenopia Aghajanian
June 2, 2020