Progress Report on the Census Infrastructure – Report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, the Assembly Select Committee on the Census, and the Senate Select Committee on the 2020 United States Census
This initial report details progress to date to establish the State of California’s (State) infrastructure for the 2020 United States Census (2020 Census). It is provided in response to the requirements of Subdivision (a) of Section 45, Chapter 53, Statutes of 2018 (Senate Bill 866).
This document describes major program elements of the State’s 2020 Census effort, the status of work underway, and findings from statewide readiness and needs assessment convenings held in spring and summer 2018. It outlines the California Complete Count Office (Office) budget and allocations to date.
This initial report will be succeeded, beginning January 1, 2019, by quarterly reports on California’s 2020 Census-related overall budget, expenditures, and allocation of funds to organizations. Also by the start of 2019, the Office will submit reports on four programmatic topics of specific interest to the Legislature: 1) school curriculum pilots, 2) staffing and hiring, 3) an online platform tool for outreach, and 4) 2018 regional convenings.
October 1, 2018 – Progress Report on the Census Infrastructure