The U.S. Census Bureau released its mail contact strategies, identifying how different parts of the U.S. will be invited to respond to the 2020 Census.
Beginning in mid-March 2020, almost every household in the U.S. will be invited to respond online, by phone or by mail to the census. About 85 percent of California housing units will receive an invitation to respond online or by phone, according to census data. About 13 percent of California households will receive a paper questionnaire along with an invitation to respond online. Regardless of which invitation they receive, all households that have not yet responded will receive a paper questionnaire by mid-April.
Click on the image to open the map or visit the page here.
The interactive map shows how different parts of California will be invited to respond. Click on an area for more information. In addition, people can enter an address in the search bar or use the bookmark to quickly view different parts of the state.
Learn visit the California Hard-to-Count Interactive Map.