Be Counted, California!

The Census 2020 California Complete Count is a statewide outreach and awareness campaign designed to ensure an accurate and complete count of all California residents in the upcoming federal Census 2020. The California Complete Count (CCC) Office oversees and coordinates California’s education and outreach program for the 2020 Census. The CCC will help form partnerships, identify resources, and develop an effective outreach strategy.

In support of the overall census outreach strategy, the Governor created an advisory committee called the California Complete Count Committee. The California Complete Count Committee is a panel of community leaders from across the state working to implement strategies that will ensure the federal government (U.S. Census Bureau) collects a complete and accurate count of all California residents.

Why is it important to have an accurate count of California’s population?

Every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau counts every resident in the nation. A complete and accurate count of California’s population is essential to the state because the data collected during the decennial Census determines the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives and is also used to distribute billions of dollars in federal funds to local communities. More than 70 federal programs that benefit California, including education, health, and transportation, use Census numbers as part of their funding formulas.


California Complete Count Office

United States Census Bureau

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