Starting today, Californians will begin receiving invitations to participate in the 2020 Census. The invitation includes information on how to fill out the Census form and includes a unique Census ID that links you to a physical address. Use your Census ID to access the Census form online, by phone, or by mail. You will enter your unique ID login to complete the form.
All Californians will be able to respond online or by phone, with limited households initially receiving the paper form. Californians will need to use their customized Census ID to respond online or by phone. Every Californian can now respond to the Census online at and by phone by calling the numbers available below.
English | 844-330-2020 |
Spanish | 844-468-2020 |
Chinese (Mandarin) | 844-391-2020 |
Chinese (Cantonese) | 844-398-2020 |
Vietnamese | 844-461-2020 |
Korean | 844-392-2020 |
Russian | 844-417-2020 |
Arabic | 844-416-2020 |
Tagalog | 844-478-2020 |
Polish | 844-479-2020 |
French | 844-494-2020 |
Haitian Creole | 844-477-2020 |
Portuguese | 844-474-2020 |
Japanese | 844-460-2020 |
English (Puerto Rico residents) | 844-418-2020 |
Spanish (Puerto Rico residents) | 844-426-2020 |
Telephone Display Device (TDD) | 844-467-2020 |
As of March 12, all lines will begin live customer service representative support providing information about the 2020 Census and assistance with the questionnaire.
- Callers to the English and Spanish language lines will be routed through the Interactive Voice Response system prior to being transferred to a customer service representative.
- Callers to all other language lines will be greeted in that language by a customer service representative.
Support on all language lines will end on July 31, 2020.
What Californians Need to Know About the 2020 Census:
- The Census is a simple, confidential 9 question survey
- Questions include: name, address, sex, race, ethnicity, age, and whether you own or rent the home
- Californians should self-identify in regard to race, ethnicity and gender
- Make sure you count everyone in your home, including any friends or family members who are living and sleeping there most of the time
- The Census Bureau will never ask about your citizenship status, or for sensitive information like your social security number, bank accounts, or payments/donations.
- The Census Bureau will never reach out to you on behalf of a political party
- Your responses to the Census are protected by law and cannot be shared with, or used by, any other government agencies. Answers cannot be used for law enforcement purposes, to determine eligibility for government benefits or immigration enforcement
- For more information and answers to frequently asked questions, please visit
Should you have any questions about responding to the 2020 Census, please reach out to