California Complete Count – Census 2020
Funding Methodology
State leaders have made a significant commitment to California Complete Count – Census 2020 outreach and communication efforts in support of the U.S. Census by investing $100.3 million toward strategies and activities that will help ensure an accurate and successful count in California.
Census 2020 has developed an aggressive statewide community-engagement campaign to reach the least likely to respond areas and hard-to-count (HTC) communities throughout California. It supplements the U.S. Census Bureau’s efforts and, by requiring collaboration and coordination, avoids duplication of work.
The State’s funding is allocated for outreach in communities, including sizeable distributions to counties, Tribal Governments and community-based organizations, and for associated programmatic costs. Media funding will supplement this outreach by using local ethnic media to target specific communities and to cover gaps identified in the federal media campaign within California.
Census 2020’s funding strategy minimizes the State’s administrative costs and holds funding recipients to the same standard. Through deliverable-based contracts, the State will guarantee strong oversight of its funding recipients.